Deco: "No chance" of Xavi reversing Barca exit

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Deco: "No chance" of Xavi reversing Barca exit

Deco: "No chance" of Xavi reversing Barca exit

Although Xavi Hernandez announced last month that he would step down as Barcelona third jersey manager at the end of the season, there is still speculation that he could reverse his decision and stay for another 12 months - when his contract also expires.

Joan Laporta in particular would like Xavi to stay, but it's not going to happen, at least not yet. Sports director Deco, who is responsible for finding Xavi's successor, spoke about the matter in an interview with Plus.

"He spoke about it in an interview. We have nothing against Xavi. It's not a decision for the club or the sporting management. There is no possibility at the moment. But if the possibility arises, we will discuss it.

Deco har helt sikkert ladet døren stå åben for, at Xavi kan blive iBarcelona football kits for kids, men det ville være overraskende, hvis han ændrede sin beslutning. Den 44-årige har allerede offentligt udtrykt sin utilfredshed med sæsonen, så medmindre han ændrer sine synspunkter fuldstændigt, bliver han ikke iBarcelona Messi jersey.
